Whoop! Have I mentioned how much I enjoy giving away free stuff to my readers?
I do. I do.
It's one of the best things I do...well besides winning myself.
Lucky ducky me gets to give Trophy Mom (@TheTrophyMom) , a mom who claims to never win anything, a $100 Dick's Sporting Goods Gift Card compliments of Gatorade.Whoop!
And if that isn't bitchin' enough, even cooler, good karma must be on my side because my teen came in 1st runner up for the Invisalign Sweepstakes kindly hosted by Sugar @ Sugar in the Raw , Elizabeth @ Busy Mom , Linda @ Welcome to Linneyville , Amanda @ Parenting by Dummies and Anissa @ Free Anissa. We won $100 visa card.
Add to that? I won an Aveda pampering party for TEN--compliments of Jenny on The Spot and Jyl of Mom It Forward --also the same week. Let me know if you want an invitation!
Then I was notified yesterday I won two free tickets to the movie Monte Carlo, compliments of Carrie at Growing My Kids Reviews. Can anyone say mommy-daughter bonding moment over Selena Gomez??
Finally (and I know you totally want to stab me about now), my husband won $50 at a awesome steak house McCormick and Schick's last week courtesy of Luke I Am Your Father. Date night!!
So my friends, the moral of the story?
Enter those giveaways! Tweet them! Like bloggers on Facebook. Blog about them! Whatever! They pay off crazy dividends. I am working on my next giveaway as we speak...
Stay tuned! I'll cross my fingers for you.
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While the karma's in your court...go buy a lottery ticket!! Sounds like it's been a great summer!